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Introduction to Mesh and it's properties

Piecewise linear approximation with error \(O(h^2)\) is called a mesh

A Mesh

Mesh elements

  • Face: Subset of a 3d plane
  • Edge: Incident points of 2 or more faces
  • Vertex: Incident points of 2 or more edges

Mesh Local Structure

  • Element type: Triangle, Quad meshes, or polygon meshes. We always use triangles as they are always planar.
  • Element shape: Isotropic, i.e. locally uniform in all directions, or anisotropic, i.e. non-uniform in all directions.
  • Element density: Uniform or non-uniform. Non-uniform density is used to refine the mesh in regions of interest.


For better illustrations, see lecture slides on google classroom. I might add some illustrations here in the future myself but for now, I will just leave it as it is.

Regularity of Mesh

  • Irregular: any number of irregular vertices
  • Semi-regular: small number of irregular vertices
  • Highly regular: most vertices are regular
  • Regular: all vertices are regular


A Vertex is regular if it is incident to 6 edges. We generally use regular meshes as they are easier to work with.

Mesh Data Structures

Face Set

It is simply a list of faces. Each face is represented by a list of vertices.

\(f_1 = (v_{11}, v_{12}, v_{13})\)
\(f_2 = (v_{21}, v_{22}, v_{23})\)
\(f_n = (v_{n1}, v_{n2}, v_{n3})\)
Vertex \(v_1 = (x_1, y_1, z_1)\)
Vertex \(v_2 = (x_2, y_2, z_2)\)
Vertex \(v_3 = (x_3, y_3, z_3)\)
Face Set
Face Set

Indexed Face Set

This time we are using indices to represent the vertices. This is useful when we have a large number of vertices and faces. This reduces redundancy and makes the data structure more compact.

VertexRef \(v_1, v_2, v_3\)
FaceRef \(f_1, f_2, f_3\)
FaceData data
Point \((x, y, z)\)
FaceRef data
VertexData data
\(v_1 = (x_1, y_1, z_1)\)
\(v_2 = (x_2, y_2, z_2)\)
\(v_n = (x_n, y_n, z_n)\)
\(f_1 = (i_{11}, i_{12}, i_{13})\)
\(f_2 = (i_{21}, i_{22}, i_{23})\)
\(f_n = (i_{n1}, i_{n2}, i_{n3})\)
Indexed Face Set
Indexed Face Set

Winged Edge

This is a more complex data structure. Each Vertex and Face have a reference to an edge along with some other data. Each edge has the following

  • Vertex references (\(v_0\) being the source and \(v_1\) being the target)
  • Face references (\(f_L\) and \(f_R\))
  • Previous and Next edge references for the left and right face
  • Edge data


Edges in a face always follow anti-clockwise order.

Point position
EdgeRef edge
VertexData data
EdgeRef edge
FaceData data
VertexRef \(v_0\) \(v_1\)
FaceRef \(f_L\) \(f_R\)
EdgeRef \(e_{{prevL}}\) \(e_{{prevR}}\)
EdgeRef \(e_{{nextL}}\) \(e_{{nextR}}\)
EdgeData data
Winged Edge
Winged Edge

One Ring Traversal in Winged Edge

  • Start with a vertex
  • Get one of its edges
  • Add the other vertex of the edge to the one ring
  • Switch to the opposite edge
  • Set curr_edge = ePrevR
  • Till curr_edge->v0 is not equal to the first vertex in ring, add it
  • Repeat for ePrevR
One Ring Traversal in Winged Edge
One Ring Traversal in Winged Edge

Half Edge

Half edge is a more compact data structure. Each edge is split into two half edges. Each half edge has the following

  • Vertex reference
  • Face reference (always the one in anti-clockwise direction)
  • Next half edge reference
  • Previous half edge reference
  • Twin half edge reference
  • Half edge data
Point position
HalfEdgeRef edge
VertexData data
HalfEdgeRef edge
FaceData data
VertexRef vertex
FaceRef face
HalfEdgeRef prev
HalfEdgeRef next
HalfEdgeRef twin
EdgeData data
Half Edge
Half Edge

One Ring Traversal in Half Edge

  • Start with a vertex
  • Go to one of its half edges
  • Switch to reverse edge (twin)
  • Go to the next half edge (original vertex)
  • Repeat until you repeat the original edge
One Ring Traversal in Half Edge
One Ring Traversal in Half Edge

Boundary Traversal in Half Edge

  • Start with a boundary edges
  • Go to the next boundary edge
  • Switch to the reverse edge (twin)
  • Repeat until you reach the original edge
Boundary Traversal in Half Edge
Boundary Traversal in Half Edge
Directed Edge

Half edge modification for triangular meshes.

  • Store all 3 half-edges of common face next to each other in memory.
  • Let \(f\) be the index of the same face. Place it's \(k\)th \((0,1,2)\) half-edge at index \(3f+k\) in the array.
  • Then \(h\)th half-edge belongs to \(f\)th face = \(h / 3\)
  • Index of \(h\)th half-edge in the array = \(h mod 3\)
  • No need to store face-to-edge and face-to-edge references.

Performance Comparison of Mesh Data Structures

One Ring, Two Ring, and k-Ring
  • One Ring: All vertices connected to a vertex by an edge.
  • Two Ring: Vertex connected to a vertex in the one ring.
  • k-Ring: All vertices connected to a vertex by an edge or a vertex connected to a vertex in the k-1 ring.

Roughly speaking, the one ring is the immediate neighbors of a vertex, the two ring is the neighbors of the neighbors, and so on.

Data Structure Space per Vertex Mesh Topology Rendering One-Ring Traversal Boundary Traversal
Face Set 72 bytes Static, fixed (3,4) Fast Slow Slow
Indexed Face Set 36 bytes Static, fixed (3,4) Fast Slow Slow
Winged Edge 120 bytes Any (2 manifolds) Medium Slow (case distinctions) Slow
Half Edge 144 / 96 bytes Any (2 manifolds) Medium / Slow Fast Fast
Directed Edge 64 bytes Regular Triangular / Quad Meshes (2 manifolds) Medium/Slow Medium Medium

Pros and Cons of Mesh Data Structures

Data Structure Pros Cons
Face Set Static meshes; rendering No explicit connectivity information; data redundancy
Indexed Face Set Simple and efficient storage; Static meshes; rendering No explicit connectivity information; Not efficient for most algorithms
Winged Edge Arbitrary Polygonal Meshes Massive case distinctions for one-ring traversal
Half Edge One-ring traversal; explicit representation of edges Slow rendering

Applications of Mesh Data Structures

Data Structure Applications
Face Set Stereolithography (3D printing)
Indexed Face Set Rendering
Winged Edge Rarely used
Half Edge Mesh refinement, decimation, smoothing