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Ray Tracing

Rendering is a process that takes as inputs a set of objects and produces an array of pixels. It can be organized in 2 ways

  • Object-order rendering: Where the objects are processed one by one
  • Image-order rendering: Where the pixels are processed one by one

Ray tracing is an image-order algorithm

Basic Algorithm

A basic ray tracer consists of three parts

  • Ray generation : Computes origin and direction of each pixel's viewing ray based on camera geometry
  • Ray intersection : Finds the intersection of the viewing ray with the scene geometry
  • Lighting : Computes the color of the pixel based on the result of ray-object intersection
for each pixel in the image:
    compute viewing ray
    find first object hit by the ray and its surface normal n
    shade the pixel using hit-point, light and n

Ray Generation or Computing Viewing Ray

  • basic tools for ray generation are the viewpoint and the image plane
  • Ray representation \(p(t) = e + t (s - e)\), where \(e\) is eye and \(s\) is a point on the image plane
  • Point \(e\) is ray's origin and (s - e) is ray's direction
Ray Generation
Ray Generation
  • Ray generation takes place from the camera frame
  • position \(e\) (eye point)
  • \(\mathbf{u}, \mathbf{v}, \mathbf{w}\) are basis vectors
  • Choose \(-w\) as view direction and an up vector, using which we construct the basis vectors
Camera Vectors
Camera Vectors

Orthographic Views

  • All rays will have direction \(- \mathbf{w}\)
  • A viewpoint is not require but viewing rays can start from the plane containing the camera, so we know when object is behind the camera.
  • Viewing rays start on the image plane and are parallel to each other, and cab be defined by point \(e\) and vectors \(\mathbf{u}\) and \(\mathbf{v}\)
Orthographic Rays
Orthographic Rays
  • \(l\) and \(r\) are left and right limits of the image plane (measured along \(\mathbf{u}\)) \(l < 0 < r\)
  • \(b\) and \(t\) are bottom and top limits of the image plane (measured along \(\mathbf{v}\)) \(b < 0 < t\)

Pixel spacing for \(n_x \times n_y\) image is

  • Horizontal : \(\Large \frac{r - l}{n_x}\)
  • Vertical : \(\Large \frac{t - b}{n_y}\)

Therefore, pixel position \((i, j)\) in the raster image is

  • \(u = l + \Large \frac{(r - l)(i + 0.5)}{n_x}\)
  • \(v = b + \Large \frac{(t - b)(j + 0.5)}{n_y}\)

Where \(u, v\) are the coordinates of the pixel in the image plane w.r.t origin \(e\) and basis vectors \(\mathbf{u} , \mathbf{v}\)

Therefore, Ray parameters are

  • Origin: \(e + u * \mathbf{u} + v * \mathbf{v}\)
  • Direction : \(-\mathbf{w}\)

Perspective Views

  • All rays will have different directions for different pixels
  • All rays will have origin at the eye point
Perspective Rays
Perspective Rays
  • Image plane positioned at distance \(d\) from the eye point \(e\)
  • Ray parameters are
    • Origin: \(e\)
    • Direction: \(-d * \mathbf{w} + u * \mathbf{u} + v * \mathbf{v}\)

Where \(u, v\) are the coordinates of the pixel in the image plane w.r.t origin \(e\) and basis vectors \(\mathbf{u} , \mathbf{v}\)


In some sense, the origin in orthographic view is direction in perspective view.

Ray intersection

  • Given a generated ray \(p(t) = e + t \cdot d\), find intersection (first hit) with the scene geometry such that \(t > 0\)
  • Given a ray \(p(t) = e + t \cdot d\), and an implicit surface \(f(p) = 0\), the intersection point is found by solving \(f(e + t \cdot d) = 0\)
  • There can be multiple solutions for \(t\), but we are interested in the smallest positive solution

For Sphere

  • Parametric equation for any point \(p\) on a sphere with center \(c\) and radius \(r\) is
\[ (p - c) \cdot (p - c) - r^2 = 0 \]
  • For finding points of intersection of a ray with a sphere, we substitute \(p = e + t \cdot d\) in the above equation and solve for \(t\)
\[ \begin{align*} (e + t \cdot d - c) \cdot (e + t \cdot d - c) - r^2 &= 0 \\ (d \cdot d) t^2 + 2 (d \cdot (e - c)) t + (e - c) \cdot (e - c) - r^2 &= 0 \end{align*} \]

This gives the solution

\[t = \frac {-(d \cdot (e - c)) \pm \sqrt{(d \cdot (e - c))^2 - (d \cdot d) ((e - c) \cdot (e - c) - r^2)}}{d \cdot d}\]

Normal for Sphere

  • The normal vector at \(\mathbf{p}\) on the implicit surface \(f(p)\) is given by
\[n = \nabla f(p) = (\frac{\partial f(p)}{\partial x}, \frac{\partial f(p)}{\partial y}, \frac{\partial f(p)}{\partial z})\]
  • For sphere, the normal at point \(p\) is
\[n = 2(p - c) \hspace{20px} \text{and} \hspace{20px} \hat{n} = \frac{p - c}{R}\]

For Triangle

  • Parametric equation for a triangle is
\[\mathbf{e} + t \mathbf{d} = \mathbf{f}(u, v)\]
  • 3 unknowns \(t, u, v\) and 3 equations \((x, y, z)\) for the triangle. We can solve for \(t, u, v\) and check if \(u, v\) are within the range of the triangle.

  • For a parametric plane, the parametric surface can be represented in terms of any three points in the plane. Utilize barycentric coordinates for ray-triangle test

  • For a triangle with vertices \(\mathbf{a}, \mathbf{b}, \mathbf{c}\) intersection will occur when

\[\mathbf{e} + \mathbf{d} t = \mathbf{a} + \beta (\mathbf{b} - \mathbf{a}) + \gamma (\mathbf{c} - \mathbf{a})\]
  • Intersection is inside the triangle if \(\beta, \gamma \geq 0\) and \(\beta + \gamma \leq 1\)
  • To solve for \(t, \beta, \gamma\), we can write the above equation as
\[ \begin{align*} x_e + t x_d &= x_a + \beta (x_b - x_a) + \gamma (x_c - x_a) \\ y_e + t y_d &= y_a + \beta (y_b - y_a) + \gamma (y_c - y_a) \\ z_e + t z_d &= z_a + \beta (z_b - z_a) + \gamma (z_c - z_a) \end{align*} \]

This can be written in matrix form as

\[ \begin{bmatrix} x_a - x_b & x_a - x_c & x_d \\ y_a - y_b & y_a - y_c & y_d \\ z_a - z_b & z_a - z_c & z_d \end{bmatrix} \begin{bmatrix} \beta \\ \gamma \\ t \end{bmatrix} = \begin{bmatrix} x_a - x_e \\ y_a - y_e \\ z_a - z_e \end{bmatrix} \]
  • Let \(A\) be the matrix on the left, \(B\) be the matrix on the right, then using Cramer's rule, we can solve for \(\beta, \gamma, t\) as follows

  • Let \(A_i\) be the matrix obtained by replacing \(i^{th}\) column of \(A\) with the column of \(B\), then values of \(\beta, \gamma, t\) are

\[ \beta = \frac{\text{det}(A_1)}{\text{det}(A)} \hspace{20px} \gamma = \frac{\text{det}(A_2)}{\text{det}(A)} \hspace{20px} t = \frac{\text{det}(A_3)}{\text{det}(A)} \]

Ray-Polygon Intersection

Given \(m\) vertices \(p_1, p_2, \ldots, p_m\) of a polygon and surface normal \(n\) - Compute the intersection point between ray \(\mathbf{e} + t \mathbf{d}\) and the plane containing the polygon \((p - p_1) \cdot n = 0\)

\[t = \frac{(p_1 - e) \cdot n}{d \cdot n}\]
  • If \(\mathbf{p}\) is inside the polygon, then the ray hits it.

Point-in-Polygon Test

Ray Polygon Intersection or Crossing Number Algorithm

  • Send a 2D ray out from \(p\) and count the number of intersections between the ray and the polygon
  • If the intersection count is odd, then \(p\) is inside the polygon


It's a ray, so only one way

  • Easily done by checking the sign of the cross product of the vectors from \(p\) to the vertices of the polygon
Crossing Number Algorithm
Crossing Number Algorithm

Winding Number Algorithm

  • Winding number of a closed curve in the plane around a given point is an integer representing the total number of times that curve travels counterclockwise around the point
  • If the winding number is non-zero, then the point is inside the polygon
Winding Number Algorithm
Winding Number Algorithm

Shading and Lighting

Intersection with Multiple Objects

Typically, a scene will contain multiple objects. To find the first object hit by the ray, we need to find the smallest positive \(t\) value

t_min = infinity
firstSurface = None
for each object in the surfaceList:
    hitSurface, t = object.intersect(ray)
    if hitSurface != None and t < t_min:
        t_min = t
        firstSurface = hitSurface

return firstSurface, t_min


We have already read about the Phong reflection model in the Lighting section. We can use the same model to shade the pixel, so our algorithm becomes as follows

def Scene::trace(ray, t_min, t_max):
    surface, t = surfaces.intersect(ray, t_min, t_max)
    if surface == None:
        return background_color
        return surface.shade(ray, t, light)

def Surface::shade(ray, t, light):
    p = ray.origin + t * ray.direction
    n = surface_normal(p)
    v = normalize(ray.origin - p)
    l = normalize(light.position - p)
    h = normalize(v + l)
    # compute ambient, diffuse and specular components

The shading algorithm can be changed for multiple light sources as well

Casting Shadows

  • Surface is illuminated if nothing blocks the view of the light source
  • To check if a point is in shadow, we can cast a ray from the point to the light source and check if it intersects any object
  • As many rays need to be cast as there are light sources
  • Ideally test \(t \in [0, \infty]\), but to account for floating point errors, test \(t \in [0 + \epsilon, \infty]\) where \(\epsilon\) is a small positive number
def Surface::shade(ray, t, lights):
    p = ray.origin + t * ray.direction
    n = surface_normal(p)
    v = normalize(ray.origin - p)
    for each light in lights:
        l = normalize(light.position - p)
        h = normalize(v + l)
        shadowRay = Ray(p, l)
        if inShadow(shadowRay):
            # point is in shadow
            return ambient
            # compute ambient, diffuse and specular components
            return shading

Specular Reflections

  • Mirror reflections can be added by shading reflected rays \(r = d - 2(d \cdot n)n\)
  • Some energy is lost in each reflection, so we can recursively
\[ c = c + k_m \text{raycolor}(p + tr, \epsilon, \infty)\]
  • \(k_m\) is specular RGB color for mirror reflection
  • Trace reflected rays for materials that are specular
  • Recursion depth can be limited to avoid infinite recursion

Refraction and Transparency

  • Compute refracted ray as following
\[t = \frac{n_1}{n_2} (d - (d \cdot n)n) - n \sqrt{1 - (\frac{n_1}{n_2})^2 (1 - (d \cdot n)^2)}\]

Total Internal Reflection

  • Happens when light travels from denser to rarer medium at an angle greater than the critical angle
  • Critical angle \(\cos (\theta_c) = \frac{n_2}{n_1}\)

Schlick's Approximation

  • Approximates the Fresnel equations for reflection and refraction
\[R = R_0 + (1 - R_0) (1 - \cos \theta)^5, \hspace{20px} R_0 = \left( \frac{n_1 - n_2}{n_1 + n_2} \right)^2\]

Beer's Law

  • For homogeneous impurities in a dielectric, a light carrying ray's intensity attenuates as per Beer's law
  • Loss of intensity in the medium \(dI = -C I dx\)
  • Solution: \(I = k' + k e^{-C x}\) with boundary conditions \(I(s) = I_0 e^{s\ln(a)}\)
  • \(s\) is distance from interface, and \(a\) is attenuation constant

Putting it all together

def Surface::shade(ray, point, normal, lights):
    if point is on a dielectric:
        r = reflect(ray, normal)
        if dot(ray, normal) < 0: # entering a dielectric
            c = -dot(ray, normal)
            k_r = k_g = k_b = 1
            # apply Beer's law
            k_r = expo(-a_r * t)
            k_g = expo(-a_g * t)
            k_b = expo(-a_b * t)

            if refract(ray, -normal, 1/eta, t):
                c = dot(t, normal)
                return k * Scene::trace(r, point, epsilon, infinity)

        R_0 = ((eta - 1) / (eta + 1)) ** 2
        R = R_0 + (1 - R_0) * (1 - c) ** 5
        return k * (
                R * Scene::trace(r, point, epsilon, infinity) + \
                (1 - R) * Scene::trace(t, point, epsilon, infinity)