Visibility Determination
Determining the surface patches that will be be visible from a given viewpoint, also called hidden surface removal. There are mainly 3 techniques to do this:
- Object precision
- Image precision
- List priority(hybrid object/image precision)
Comparison of Object and Image Precision
Object precision algorithms take the basic structure as following
Image precision algorithms take the basic structure as following
for each pixel P on the screen:
Let R be the ray from viewpoint through P
determine the visible object O pierced by R
if there is such O:
display the pixel in the color of O
display the pixel in the background color
Object Precision | Image Precision |
Computes all visible parts | Determines visible parts for each pixel |
Complexity based on number of objects | Complexity based on number of pixels |
Back Face Culling (Object Precision)
- Discard back facing polygons from rendering
- Consider counter-clockwise orientation outward. Discard face if \(\hat{v} \cdot \hat{n} < 0\)
Ray Casting (Image Precision)
Computes the visibility function. \(R\) is a ray with origin \(Q\) and direction \((P' - Q)\), where \(P'\) is the pixel center. The visibility function is defined as
- Partition the project plane into pixels
- For each pixel, construct a ray emanating from the eye/camera passing through the center of the pixel and into the scene
- Intersect the ray with every object in the scene
- Store the first hit object and its color
Warnock's Algorithm (Image precision)
- Elegant divide-and-conquer hidden surface algorithm
- Relies on area coherence of polygons to resolve visibility of many polygons in image space
- Each polygon has one of the four relationships to the area of interest
def warnock(region):
if all(polygons are disjoint):
fill(background color)
else if only one intersecting or contained polygon:
fill(background color)
scan convert the polygon
else if any(surrounding polygon):
fill(polygons color)
divide the area into 4 quadrants
for each quadrant:
Subdivision continues till the resolution of image is reached, and then polygons are sorted by z-values and the closest polygon is displayed.
Z-Buffer Algorithm (Image Precision)
- Record depth information for each pixel
- Z-buffer is a 2D array of same size as the frame-buffer, which stores depth as real values
- Scan convert primitives in frame-buffer and Z-buffer
Initialize FRAME_BUFFER to background color
Initialize DEPTH ti infinite
for each face:
for each point p of F:
if projects to FRAME_BUFFER[i, j]:
if depth(p) < DEPTH[i, j]:
FRAME_BUFFER[i, j] = color(p)
DEPTH[i, j] = depth(p)
Z-Buffer Precision Problems
- In practice, the z-values in the buffer are non-negative integers as it's faster to process integers over true floats
- Using an integer range of \(B\) values \(\{0, 1, 2, \ldots, B-1\}\)
- Map 0 to near plane and \(B-1\) to far plane
- \(z, n, f > 0\) w.r.t. the camera space
- Each z-value is sent to a bucket with depth
If \(b\) bits are used to store the z-value, then \(B = 2^b\). We need enough bits to make sure any triangle in front of another triangle will have it's depth mapped to distinct depth bins. For example, in a scene where triangles have a separation of at least 1 meter, \(\Delta z > 1\) will be sufficient.
Two ways to make \(\Delta z\) smaller:
- Move \(n, f\) closer to each other
- Increase the number of bits \(b\), but this is often not possible due to hardware limitations
In case of perspective transformation,
where \(z_w\) is the depth in world space, and \(z\) is post-perspective transformation depth. Now, bin size vary with depth
Largest bin size is for \(z_w = f\), and we cannot choose \(n = 0\). To make \(\Delta z_w^{\text{max}}\) as small as possible, we need to minimize \(f\) and maximize \(n\). This is why it's important to choose \(n, f\) as close as possible to each other.
If \(\Delta z_w^{\text{max}}\) is too large, then we see Z-fighting artifacts
Painter's Algorithm - BSP Tree Algorithm (List Priority)
- Faces in the scene are sorted by their distance from the camera, and drawn in that order
- Cannot always be used, for example incase of piercing polygons or cyclic overlaps
BSP(Binary Space Partitioning) Tree is a painter's algorithm with an added restriction that no polygon crosses the plane defined by any other polygon
Basic Idea
- Consider two triangles \(T_1\) and \(T_2\)
- \(T_1:f_1(p) = 0\) \(\forall\) \(p \in T_1\) and let \(f_1(p) < 0\) \(\forall\) \(p \in T_2\)
Then for any viewpoint \(e\), correct rendering is
To check which side of the triangle the point is on, you need to only check the corners
Tree Construction
This observation can be generalized to many objects provided none of them span the plane defined by \(T_1\)
We can construct a binary tree with
- root: \(T_1\)
- negative branch: objects with vertices satisfying \(f_1(p) < 0\)
- positive branch: objects with vertices satisfying \(f_1(p) > 0\)
def draw(bsptree tree, point e)
if tree.empty
if f_tree_root(e) < 0
draw(, e)
draw(tree.minus, e)
draw(tree.minus, e)
draw(, e)
What if the polygon spans the plane?
- Split the polygon into two parts
- Add the two parts to the tree
- Continue the process recursively